# [[AI = Humans Less Intelligent]]
#Artificial_Intelligence #Technology #Humanity #Prediction #Knowledge #Future
Given the current condition of humans, humans as a whole species will inevitably get stupider as we offload more and more of our knowledge and skills to machines.
A day could come where an average dog is smarter and more capable than an average human.
> [!rtl]- بالعربي
> بالنظر إلى الحالة الحالية للبشر، فإن البشر سيصبحون حتمًا أكثر غباءً مع تفريغ المزيد والمزيد من معارفنا ومهاراتنا إلى الآلات.
> وقد يأتي يوم يكون فيه الكلب العادي أكثر ذكاءً وقدرة من الإنسان العادي.
> [!multi-column]
>>[!seealso] Related Thoughts
>>- [[Knowledge, Essence of Humanity]]
>>- [[AI Could Limit Our Brains]]
>>- [[The Fragility of Modern Humanity]]
>>- [[Humans Have Devolved]]
>> [!idea] Related Videos
Publish: December 19, 2023