# [[The World Will Change In The Next 10 Years]]
#Prediction #Future #Technology #Society
Imagine how much the world changed from 1923 till 2023.
Now try to imagine how much the world will change in the next 100 years.
Now condense that into 10 years.
Originally Shared on: [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/theali/posts/pfbid0FfDs2TYS7MESgsygasCELcbzK6kBVio4g4K6p2XRP7nGbJwbEFB4vN4fbNgr6aHql) August 18, 2023
> [!rtl]- بالعربي
> تخيل كم تغير العالم من عام 1923 حتى عام 2023.
> والآن حاول أن تتخيل كم سيتغير العالم في المائة عام القادمة.
> والآن اختصر ذلك في 10 سنوات.
> [!seealso] Related Thoughts
>- [[2025 Will be Very Different]]
>- [[🤯 Imagine Waking Up to a New World]]
>- [[A Radical Transformation by 2030]]
>- [[2024 Will Be Crazy]]
>- [[2024 A Year For History]]
>- [[📰 Eventful Times]]
>- [[History Always Pivots]]