# [[Bigger Crime, Smaller Trigger]] #Prediction #War_On_Gaza #Politics #Misinformation Soon we might realize that the crime is much bigger than we thought, and its "trigger" is much smaller than we were told. Originally Shared on: [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/theali/posts/pfbid04gChji1dy9TuyPtSQjP8HK6JvP6mNDuwMF3dpp9v9zMaumYaR6qvMHTgpFktJ15pl) November 13, 202 > [!rtl]- بالعربي > قد ندرك قريبًا أن الجريمة أكبر بكثير مما كنا نظن، وأن "مسببها" أصغر بكثير مما قيل لنا. > [!seealso] Related Thoughts > >- [[Finding the Truth in Times of War]] >- [[🤥 My Lieometer on Israeli Claims]] >- [[Media Lies, Until..]] >- [[Losers Rarely Admit Their Loss]] >- [[🛑 Western Media Weaponized]] >- [[Human Shields Claims]] >- [[🍉 Backlash Against Manipulation]]