# [[Career Vs Motherhood]] #Career #Society #Gender Believing that women should have careers is not wrong. However, perceiving women who choose to focus on motherhood instead as 'less accomplished' is. ![[momdadali.png]] <br> Me with my parents. > [!rtl]- بالعربي > ليس خطأً الاعتقاد بأن على المرأة أن تكون لها مهنة. لكن الخطأ يكمن في النظر إلى النساء اللواتي يخترن التركيز على الأمومة على أنهن "أقل إنجازًا". > [!seealso] Related Thoughts > >- [[You Are Wrong In Someone's Eye]] >- [[Mothers Raise, Men Lead]] >- [[Men Vs Women, Equal Values, Unequal Consequences]] >- [[💍 Marriage, The Ultimate Success]]