# [[History Always Pivots]] #History #Future #Humanity #Knowledge #Anthropology Throughout history, no matter how far back you go, there have always been events, discoveries, inventions, and transitions that radically changed our world and our understanding of it. Radically. They will keep happening. > [!rtl]- بالعربي >على مرّ التاريخ، وبغض النظر عن مدى الرجوع إلى الوراء، كانت هناك دائمًا أحداث واكتشافات واختراعات وتحولات غيرت عالمنا وفهمنا له بشكل جذري. > > بشكل جذري. > > وسوف تستمر في الحدوث. > [!seealso] Related Thoughts > >- [[Turning Points in Human History]] >- [[2024 A Year For History]] >- [[History Keeps Repeating]] >- [[New Paradigms Are Inevitable]] Published: May 3, 2024