tags: [Metaphor, Politics, Economy, Collapse, "", USA, Prediction]
creationDate: 2024-02-16 10:01
description: A valuable, crumbling building is patched by owners to prevent chaos, leading to a more destructive, sudden collapse due to artificial delays and misinformation.
image: ""
permalink: ""
Publish Readiness 1 - 10: 0
Notes: ""
# [[A Delayed Collapse is a Worse Collapse]]
#Metaphor #Politics #Economy #Collapse
Imagine a building that is about to fall apart. 🏗️
Its engineers (more so it's owners) will likely work really hard on supporting it. 👷♂️👷♀️
The more valuable the building is, the harder they will work to patch it in less than ideal ways. 💰
They will likely even tell its residents that everything is fine and under control. Informing the residents of the real situation will cause a lot of chaos. 🤫
The more patchwork is done, and the more the collapse is artificially delayed, the more destructive, massive, and sudden the imminent collapse is. 💥
Originally Shared on: [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/theali/posts/pfbid02j1ZqqXJBDPooyVtHr83JEJEEaMv2z8BfNBjs2K71HEL6u43fmU2Wes4piJXRR8Gnl)
> [!rtl]- بالعربي
>تخيل مبنى على وشك الانهيار.
>من المرجح أن يعمل مهندسوه (أو بالأحرى مالكوه) على دعمه.
>وكلما زادت قيمة المبنى، كلما بذلوا جهداً أكبر في ترميمه **بطرق أقل من مثالية**.
>حتى أنهم على الأرجح **سيخبرون سكانه بأن كل شيء على ما يرام** وتحت السيطرة. فإطلاع السكان على الوضع الحقيقي سيسبب الكثير من الفوضى.
>كلما زاد الترقيع، وكلما تأخر الانهيار بشكل مصطنع، كلما كان الانهيار الوشيك **أكثر تدميراً وضخامة وغدراً**.
> [!seealso] Related Thoughts
>- [[〽️ The Greater Depression]]
>- [[Imminent Global Regression]]
>- [[USA Imminent Collapse]]
>- [[False Rise Before An Economic Crash]]
>- [[📈 Two-Faced Economy 📉]]
>- [[Why Politicians Lie About Economy]]