# [[Winter Can Be Happy Too]]
#Artificial_Intelligence #Creativity #Metaphor #Aitwork
I've always felt I can be a good songwriter.
ChatGPT gave me the chance to explore my songwriting abilities, without much "writing" from my side. Does this make me a "Song Designer" ?
PS - the text below was edited by me after ChatGPT gave me the first draft. I know nothing about poetry and songwriting, so I'm sure there are many rules broken, and many opportunities missed in this attempt.
**"Winter Can Be Happy Too"**
Summer can feel cold, Spring can lose its bling
Fall can be too much to bear, but Winter's the saddest thing
Every season has its struggles, every day its fears
But Winter can be the hardest, when you're shedding all your tears
But in the blinding darkness, there's a ray of light
And in the noisy silence, there's a voice that's right
You can find the beauty, in the coldest night
If not, hold on tight, to the warmth inside
Summer has felt cold, Spring has lost its bling
Fall has been so much to bear, but Winter's the saddest thing
Every season has its struggles, every day its fears
But Winter is the hardest, the end could feel so near.
So don't give up, when the world seems bleak
And don't lose hope, when you're feeling weak
Hold onto your hand, Winter can be happy too.
Winter will be happy too.
> [!seealso] Related Thoughts
> Related thoughts will appear here when available.