# 🖼 -> Cover Place a Show/Movie cover here # 📺 -> Name ## 1️⃣ -> Introduction Movie Name:: Author:: Release Date:: Purchased on:: Price:: Seasons/Movies:: Genre:: %% by default i use tag's to specify the genre, i have also checked some people making a file with a description for each genre but i believe that is better suited for a media vault %% ## 2️⃣ -> Summary 1. The story is about? 2. The setting is? 3. The theme is? ## 3️⃣ -> Analysis Action:: Setting:: Language level:: Concepts:: Vocabulary:: ## 4️⃣ -> Conclusion 1. You must watch / Not watch because? 2. If you liked this you may like ... 3. I give the Score ## 5️⃣ -> Global Information Original name:: Started on:: Producer:: Studio:: Demographic:: Average Score::