Hello, my name is Rainbell.
If you have any questions about the sample library, you are welcome to add Rainbell0129 to WeChat, or you can enter the Rainbell library Q&A group on WeChat.
Since I'm a lazy person :) I have directly translated this tutorial using Google Translate. If you have see anything confusing feel free to open an issue on GitHub.
==Contact Information==
QQ: Lavi
WeChat: Rainbell0129
QQ Channel: ιΈε₯
Discord: Rainbell
GitHub: rainbell129
[email protected]
# What themes can I use?
The sample library supports minimal and blue topaz themes and is specially optimized for them, but in theory, all themes can be used.
# After upgrading to Obsidian v15, when I click the link in the side navigation bar, it opens directly in the side bar, what should I do?
- Refer to the video to reconfigure:
1. Select the sidebar;
2. Call up the command panel (ctrl+p under Windows system or command+p under Apple system);
3. Select the Toggle Pin command;
4. Now, go ahead and open the command palette and select the manage workspace layouts command;
5. Re-save the main workspace;
6. Set up, once and for all.
# How to change the icon of the sidebar md document?
1. Open `sidepane.css` in the css fragment folder;
2. Change the text selected in the red box to the name of the md file you want to modify the icon;
3. You can also download other svg codes online to replace the code here.
# How to make a column view?
## 1. Use ad-flex
Separate columns with div tags.
## 2. Use ad-col2
Separate columns with blank lines.
## 3. Use ad-col3
Separate columns with blank lines.
## 4. Wrap dataview code with ad-flex
Separate columns with div tags.
### Recently Modified
table WITHOUT ID file.link AS "title",file.mtime as "time"
from !"template" and !"kanban"
sort file.mtime desc
limit 10
### Recently Created
table file.ctime as creation time
where date(today) - file.ctime <=dur(3 days)
sort file.ctime desc
limit 10
(Note that the number of \`s is four.)
# How to make a link to the daily diary?
1. You need to download an advanced uri plugin;
2. The link behind this "note of the day" in the sample library is just such a link. Its principle is to bind a command through the link: open today's diary. If you haven't created a diary, he will open it for you, and if you have already created it, he will open it directly.
3. The generation is very simple, just select the copy URI for daily note in the command panel; if you want other commands, you need to use copy URI for command to set it up a little (for example, to open the weekly note, you only need to find one such as open weekly note) command will do).
4. Open the home page in preview mode - just use the syntax of &viewmode=preview. For more information, please refer to the documentation of advanced uri. For the link address, see [[00. Reference Summary#Obsidian]]. Example: [Home](obsidian://advanced-uri?vault=Rainbell&filepath=40%2520-%2520Obsidian%252F%25E4%25B8%25BB%25E9%25A1%25B5%252F00.%2520%25E4%25B8%25BB% 25E9%25A1%25B5.md&viewmode=preview)
5. If you encounter the problem of vault not found when you click the link - 80% is because you changed the library name, just regenerate the uri.
Note: The link generated by the shortcut command generally specifies the vault name. If you want to remove this specification, you can delete the vault name part, so that the plugin will automatically open the last used vault.
- [specified vault's journal link](obsidian://advanced-uri?vault=Rainbell&daily=true)
- [Diary link without specifying vault](obsidian://advanced-uri?daily=true)
# How to change the calendar icon at the top of the homepage?
1. Open the css fragment folder and find `homepage settings.css`![[Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 15.08.21.png]]
2. Find this paragraph, comment it out or delete it, and the calendar icon will disappear (you can also change the color inside, please refer to the Wolai Icon User Guide for details: https://notioner.notion.site/Notion-5b20acf443244b04885f7717c97d8702 ! [[Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 15.08.45.png]]
3. If you want to adjust the position of the banner icon, open the banner settings, find the vertical alignment column in it, and select above or center. ![[Screen Shot 2022-06-02 at 15.10.29.png]]
# How to use the project summary codes in the homepage?
To use item tracking, you need to have a
target: 10000
status: in progress
tags: project
in the YAML section of a single-note project. It is based on https://gist.github.com/chrisgrieser/ac16a80cdd9e8e0e84606cc24e35ad99
So you can find more information here.
If you want to use "Completed Tasks/Total Tasks" for project progress tracking, use the following YAML:
target: tasks
status: in progress
tags: project
If you want tab effects, enable the `sharetype.css` css snippet.
# How to exclude a label or a folder when querying with Dataview?
## Dataview javascript
### Exclude a tag
For labels, we can use this way:
dv.pages("#zettelkasten and -#new words and -#computer")
.map(b => [b.file.link, b.description]))
The main thing is to "minus" the tags you want to remove in the parentheses after dv.pages, and connect them with and in the middle.
### Exclude a folder
Refer to the retrieval method in [[00. myCodes]]:
let excludeFolderChoicePath = "40 - Obsidian/Template"
dv.table(["name","language","framework","brief","creation time"], dv.pages('#code_snippet')
.filter(b => !b.file.path.includes(excludeFolderChoicePath))
.sort(b => b.file.ctime,'desc')
.map(b =>[dv.fileLink(b.file.name, false, b.code name), b.language, b.framework, b.brief, b.file.cday])
1. First define a path to exclude `let excludeFolderChoicePath = "40 - Obsidian/template"`;
2. Then we add an additional filter after dv.pages(...): `.filter(b => !b.file.path.includes(excludeFolderChoicePath))`, and we are done.
# What if I don't know how to use templater or quickadd?
I recommend watching these two videos:
- [How to use the template function](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1tv411h75N?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0)
- [Quickadd plugin to quickly add anything](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1fw411f7xy?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0)
In the sample library I used a limited number of templates, and only configured quickadd for one of them [[new code template]]. However, when I use Obsidian myself, I use quickadd to add more: add daily memos, add baby weight, add diary weekly and monthly, etc.
For more quick additions, you can try the settings yourself - if you just use my settings, you still won't use them, configure them yourself!
# I don't know how to use Dataview, what should I do?
If you need to retrieve your notes, you can indeed try some basic dataview functionality.
If your English is good, you can go directly to Dataview's English documentation, the address is at [[00. References]].
If your English is not good, I recommend an introductory tutorial written by Lilian: [Introduction to Dataview](https://forum-zh.obsidian.md/t/topic/195/2). There are many similar tutorials on the Internet, make good use of search.